About project

Supported by a Grant from the people of Norway

Project title: Implementation of innovative solutions in manufactured machines by introducing a new technological process regarding cutting and bending elements constituting individual components of manufactured machines.

The measure 19.1 New Products and Investments, sub-measure 19.1.1 Environmentally friendly technologies - Green growth implemented under the priority axis 19 of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021

The aim of the project is to increase the company's competitiveness on the market with the use of environmentally friendly technological solutions through the implementation of an innovative technological process for the preparation of wood raw material for furniture production and the implementation of a new product in the form of wood chips for mulching and for the production of cellulose resulting from technological waste (edgings) during the planned implementation of an innovative technological process. The implementation of this process and the new product will allow for the development of the business by increasing revenues, reducing costs, increasing profit and increasing employment. The implementation of these solutions will contribute to a very good waste management in the company, because 100% of waste from this technological process will be processed into a commercial product in the form of wood chips for the purpose of mulching perennial plantations (e.g. blueberry) and the so-called cellulose chips, which we have not produced in the company so far. Currently, the cuts are used for fuel. There are companies that produce wood chips but produce them from sawmill waste and they are not cellulose chips, which must be of appropriate "cleanness". The consumption of gasoline in this process will be eliminated in 100% (no chainsaws), and the implementation of renewable energy sources will reduce the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere thanks to the reduction of conventional energy consumption. An element of the project will be consultancy services consisting in the development of the process technology and adapting the machines to our company for the research unit and determining the parameters of cellulose chips made of alder wood at various machine settings. The implementation of the technological process will allow to increase production capacity and offer products to, among others, the Norwegian market.

Media information

Article in Tygodnik Konecki - 08.03.2023

Article on the portal TKN24 - 06.03.2023

Article on the portal TKN24 - 13.09.2021

Article in Tygodnik Konecki - 15.09.2021


01.03.2023 Summary




01.03.2023 Thank you letter

01.03.2023 Memory board

On February 28, 2023 at 12.00 pm in Firma Wielobranzowa DREWDOM in Gatniki, a meeting summarizing the Project will be held. "Implementation of an innovative technological process of preparing raw material for furniture production with simultaneous recycling of waste", which benefits from funding of PLN 1,785,000 received from the State of Norway.
During the meeting there will be:
- dynamic presentation of the material scope of the project,
- reading a letter of thanks to the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway in Poland,
- unveiling of a commemorative plaque for the project
The project is implemented under priority axis 19 Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, measure 19.1 New Products and Investments, sub-measure 19.1.1 Environmentally friendly technologies - Green growth.
Interested persons, companies and institutions are cordially invited.
Telephone contact Piotr Figlarz 605 060 723

We are looking for an IT specialist
The duties will include managing some machines through their appropriate programming and assigning them specific operating parameters.

On January 30, 2023, ZM Jabłoński Spóła z o.o. with headquarters at ul. Gen. K. Sosnowskiego 85, 05-300 Mińsk Mazowiecki has completed the assembly and commissioning of the technological line, which consists of: 1 set of dripping line, 1 set Debarking station, 1 set sorting conveyor, 1 pc. loading ramp, 1 piece of milling blade for the saw, 1 set of saw head, 1 piece of buffer receiver with trimmer, 1 piece of milling module in front of the edger, 1 set of belt conveyors that remove chips, and assembly of the entire technological line with commissioning "We are working together for a green, competitive and socially inclusive Europe"


On November 21, 2022, the MHS Serwis Mikulski Hydraulika Silowa Rajmund Mikulski company, based in Wilkowo 85, code 66 - 200 Świebodzin, delivered a complete car with a semi-trailer, specialized superstructure and a crane for transporting long timber under the semi-trailer. "We are working together for a green, competitive and socially inclusive Europe"

On 02/11/2021 the task was completed: "Purchase and installation of a photovoltaic installation - PV installation with a capacity of about 50kW"

On 08.10.2021 an agreement was signed for "Purchase and assembly of a photovoltaic installation - PV installation with a capacity of approximately 50kW" with SOLARIS OZE Sp. z o.o., ul. Warszawska 6, 25-306 Kielce, which submitted the most advantageous offer in the ongoing tender procedure. According to the contract, the task will be completed by 03/11/2021. "We work together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe"

On September 30, 2021, Kielce University of Technology, completed the first stage of the contract and provided us with a study prepared by Dr. Eng. Andrzej Kroner in the field of "Design of the technological process of the line for the preparation of raw material for the production of furniture along with the processing of the resulting waste into wood chips" The study was approved by Drewdom, on its basis, the company will apply to PARP for changes in the scope of machines and devices indicated in the study, but different from those originally planned in the application. "We work together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe"

On 20/09/2021, an agreement was signed with the Kielce University of Technology for an advisory service under the "Implementation of an innovative technological process for the preparation of raw material for the production of furniture with the simultaneous recycling of waste" The service includes two stages: In the first stage, the optimal design of the technological process of the line for the preparation of raw material for the production of furniture, along with the processing of the generated waste into wood chips, is prepared. The second stage is to define the methodology and research scope for the quality of cellulose chips produced in the process of preparing the raw material with different machine settings.

Project initiating meeting

On 09/09/2021 in the Wielobranżowa DREWDOM company in Gatniki, there was a meeting initiating the Project entitled "Implementation of an innovative technological process for the preparation of raw materials for the production of furniture with the simultaneous recycling of waste", which benefits from funding of PLN 1,785,000 from the State of Norway. The project is implemented under priority axis 19 of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, measure 19.1 New Products and Investments, sub-measure 19.1.1 Environmentally friendly technologies - Green growth. The aim of the project is to increase the company's competitiveness on the market with the use of environmentally friendly technological solutions by implementing an innovative technological process for the preparation of wood raw material for furniture production and the implementation of a new product in the form of wood chips for mulching and for the production of cellulose resulting from technological waste during the planned implementation of an innovative process technological. The whole project is guided by the slogan "We work together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe" During the meeting, the assumptions of the project were presented, as well as the material and financial scope of the project, with particular emphasis on the funding granted by the Program Operator from the funds of Norway. The importance of the NFM was emphasized in the process of stimulating the innovativeness of Polish entrepreneurs. At the end of the meeting, the project information board was unveiled. The meeting was attended by representatives of our staff, representatives of companies cooperating with our company, Kielce University of Technology, local authorities and the media. More information about the project can be found at http://www.norwaygrants.mebledrewdom.pl/

On 09/09/2021 at 12.00 in the Firma Wielobranżowa DREWDOM in Gatniki there will be a meeting initiating the Project entitled "Implementation of an innovative technological process for the preparation of raw materials for the production of furniture with the simultaneous recycling of waste", which benefits from funding of PLN 1,785,000 from the State of Norway. The project is implemented under priority axis 19 of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, measure 19.1 New Products and Investments, sub-measure 19.1.1 Environmentally friendly technologies - Green growth. Interested persons, companies and institutions are cordially invited. Contact by phone Piotr Figlarz 605 060 723

CREATED ON 02.02.2022
Competitive bidding

w postępowaniu o udzielenie zamówienia publicznego prowadzonego w trybie przetargu nieograniczonego o wartości zamówienia przekraczającej progi unijne, o jakich mowa art. 3 ustawy z 11 września 2019 r. - Prawo zamówień publicznych (t.j. Dz. U. z 2021 r. poz. 1129 z późn. zm.) – dalej p.z.p. na dostawy pn.:
„Dostawa maszyn i urządzeń do uruchomienia linii technologicznej do produkcji mebli oraz samochodu z naczepą, specjalistyczną zabudową i dźwigiem”
Projekt realizowany jest w ramach osi priorytetowej 19 Norweski Mechanizm Finansowy 2014-2021 działanie 19.1 Nowe Produkty i Inwestycje, poddziałanie 19.1.1 Technologie przyjazne środowisku - Green growth.

Dokumenty do pobrania
ogłoszenie o zamówieniu
specyfikacja Warunków Zamówienia - SWZ
opis przedmiotu zamówienia - załącznik nr 1
formularz oferty - załącznik nr 2
JEDZ wersja edytowalna - załącznik nr 3
JEDZ wersja XML - załącznik nr 3
wzór umowy dla części 1 - załącznik nr 4a
wzór umowy dla części 2 - załącznik nr 4b

Dodano w dniu 25.02.2022r
Wyjaśnienia treści SWZ- pobierz załącznik

Dodano w dniu 02.03.2022r.
Ogłoszenie o zmianie ogłoszenia - pobierz załącznik
Zmiany treści SWZ - pobierz załącznik
SWZ po zmianie - pobierz załącznik
Załącznik nr 2 formularz oferty po zmianie - pobierz załącznik
Załącznik nr 4a po zmianie - pobierz załącznik
Załącznik nr 4b po zmianie - pobierz załącznik

Dodano w dniu 11.03.2022r.
Informacja z otwarcia ofert - pobierz załącznik

Dodano w dniu 28.03.2022r.
Informacja o wyborze oferty najkorzystniejszej - pobierz załącznik

Dodano w dniu 27.04.2022r.
Ogłoszenie o udzieleniu zamówienia - wyniku postępowania - pobierz załącznik